
How To Do Right By The Miracle

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I was recently on the Illuminate podcast talking about my favorite things…doing right by the miracle, mindfulness for writers, meditation, being in relationship with your writing, Virginia Hall as inspiration for all of us, and so much more. Click below to have a listen! 🎧

I hope it inspires you, gives you yummy books to think about reading, and gets your mind swirling with ways to do right by the miracle on and off the page.


Heather Demetrios is a critically acclaimed author, writing coach, and certified meditation instructor. She’s published books in multiple genres and today she’ll be talking to us about her latest book, Codename Badass: The True Story of Virginia Hall, one of the CIA’s first female spies and a WWII hero. Heather shares how we can apply lessons from history to our own lives, how to have a positive relationship with our creativity, and how we can all learn to “do right by the miracle.”

This episode is hosted by Mariam Muzaffar.
